Goldytools Windows Data Recovery

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$299 $179 Buy Now
License validity & update 1 year 1 year 1 year
No limitation on file size
License policy details For Personal For Big Organization For Consultant / Organization in multiple location
License Count 5 Computers 100 Computers Unlimited Computers
No restriction on file size No Limit No Limit No Limit
Technical Support Is Available 24/7
30 days Money Back Guarantee
Windows data that has been corrupted, lost, or damaged can be recovered.
Recovers Windows data that has been corrupted due to deleted partitions.
Data recovery from detachable storage devices such as pen drives and external hard drives is supported.
Data can be recovered from a different of disks, including IDE, EIDE, SCSI, SATA, PEN, and ZIP.
Before saving files and folders to your system, preview them.
Provides To search for specific files, use the Find files option.
Supports the recovery of pictures, movies, documents, and other file formats.
Recovery from corrupted Windows file systems (FAT/NTFS) is supported.
Recover data from Windows that has been permanently deleted
Recovers data that has been lost due to corruption of Windows registry.
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$ 179 Buy Now