How to fix common problems with Outlook .pst and .ost data file


OST & PST in Outlook keep data secure but these files are prone to attain common errors such as corruption, inaccessibility, & file not found. Microsoft offers native tools to fix such errors but it’s necessary to use them properly. Let’s understand the types of OST & PST file errors along with their useful solutions. However, it is advisable to opt for the advanced Goldytools OST to PST Converter software that helps to export inaccessible OST files to PST as it is easier to transfer data in PST format


The importance of data is very high for businesses operating on Outlook web or on-premises. Both store data in Offline Storage Table (OST) and Personal Storage Table (PST), but each file format serves different purposes. The crucial data of the business, including email, notes, contacts, calendars, etc, are stored within OST & PST files.
It is very important to protect an organization’s data as both OST & PST files can attain various errors, which can cause severe data loss, business downtime, inability to open Outlook, inaccessibility, slow performance, and more. There are numerous ways by which you can prevent experiencing such errors.
So, this blog below will help you with productive ways to repair Outlook PST files & OST files. Also, we guide you on how to convert OST to PST so you can protect Outlook data.

Types of errors occurred in OST & PST files

Microsoft Outlook hosts a heavy flow of mails on a daily basis that ignites the chances of error occurrence. These files carry mailbox data items due to which it cana throws several types of errors mentioned below:

  • Corruption: It is the most common issue experienced with OST & PST files as it can occur anytime, leaving the OST & PST files inaccessible. There are various reasons that can corrupt OST & PST files, such as sudden system shutdowns, antivirus updates, server crashes, large files, etc.
  • Virus attacks: The use of unauthorized software in your system can carry malicious viruses which can damage your system. As OST & PST files are stored offline in the system it also affects both the files.
  • Hard drive: Overload hard drives or infected sections in your hard drives are very prone to damage your PST & OST files if they are stored in those sections. So, checking the health of your hard drive by running a regular scan is necessary
  • .

  • Outlook getting slow : Usually, the data stored in OST & PST files becomes too large, which slows down Outlook or multiple application crashes. It is necessary to manage the large fOST & PST files for better performance.
  • Synchronization failures: OST files work offline but are synchronized with the Exchange Server, but sometimes failure in this sync will leave the OST file orphaned and inaccessible.
  • Errors detected: Some of the most basic PST file errors are “Outlook Data File Cannot Be Accessed” or “Errors have been detected in the file .pst” which are highly derived from corruption or configuration issues in Outlook.

Practices to avoid OST & PST files from attaining errors

Data in Outlook is always vulnerable to damages or errors; it doesn’t matter if it is a PST file or an OST file, as both carry crucial business data. Being different in operation, OST & PST attain errors that become a severe issue for you as it causes downtime. However, various precautionary measures can prevent your OST & PST files from throwing errors. Let’s find out some of these solutions below:

  • Manage updates: Keep your system, software, and Outlook application to its updated version, which prevents the occurrence of unwanted errors. Updates usually fix the loopholes & bugs that can bring corruption & damage to your system affecting the OST & PST files.
  • File size management: Large OST & PST files are the primary reasons for bringing issues, so it is advisable to maintain the size under 50 GB as recommended by Microsoft. Also, you must clean up the space by archiving the older emails, which are not required at the moment.
  • Use SCANPST tool: It is more beneficial to use the native tools provided by Microsoft, such as SCAN.PST and SCAN.OST to detect any issue within the OST & PST files.
  • Creating data backups: To protect your business from sudden interruptions due to the occurrence of any type of errors, it is necessary to create regular backups. This will allow you to restore the data during scenarios like corruption, server failures, and external attacks.

How to fix the OST & PST file issues manually?

The process to fix the issue with the OST & PST files is not easy as it depends upon the severity of the error. Still, the most feasible methods which are suggested are the use of Microsoft native tools, that scans and informs you about the issues behind the errors. Let’s discuss about the useful methods to fix the issue below:

Method 1- Using scanpst.exe

The two inbuilt tools offered by Microsoft to repair PST & OST files were scanost.exe and scanpst.exe, which are located in your system. Now, scanpst.exe is the ideal utility tool replacing scanost.exe, which is used to fix both OST & PST files. Here are the ways by which you can use the scanpst.exe tool in Microsoft Outlook 2010 and above versions:

  • Close your Outlook application.
  • Now, run the scanpst.exe utility tool.
  • Click on browse to select the PST file, the usual location for PST file is C:\Users\Documents\Outlook Files\.
  • Click on Start to run the scan.
  • After the scan completion, a summary will be seen on the screen and if there is any error detected, so you can click on Repair.

Method 2- Rebuild the OST file

The corruption in the OST file makes the file unable to open or inaccessible. It is more recommended to delete the damaged file and create a new file. But before deleting the OST file, you must backup the OST file data by converting into PST. Find the ways to rebuild the OST below:

  • Locate the OST file from the system, and you can use the default location – C:\Users\Anand\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Outlook\.
  • Browse the corrupt OST file from the system and delete it.
  • Now, Outlook will automatically create the new OST file which can check by relaunching the Outlook.

Method 3 – Manage the PST file size

It is evident the overstuffing the emails or storing large sized emails are the primary reasons behind the PST file errors. So, it is better to manage the size of the file and for that two main methods are archiving old emails and compacting the PST file.

Email archiving:

  • Launch Outlook and go to Files>Options.
  • Now, choose Advance from the side pane.
  • Under theOption for working with Outlook page’s >AutoArchive tab, click on the AutoArchive Setting… option.
  • Then, check theRun AutoArchive option and select the number of days for data archiving. After that, choose the location to save your archives and clickOK.


The issue in OST & PST files can damage your entire workflow and can also affect the valuable data. In the above blog, we have discussed the various types of issues that occur in the OST & PST files risking the data. Also, we have mentioned a few manual methods to fix the issue in the OST & PST file.

But, the manual methods are not as effective in the severely corrupted or damaged OST to PST files. So, we suggest you utilize the advanced Goldytools OST to PST Converter tool that easily exports OST file data to PST, which can be saved as a backup.
