How do I reduce the size of the Exchange EDB file?
Microsoft introduced the Exchange server in 1993, and it was with this introduction that the EDB files came into existence. However, the most common issue that users reported with the Exchange EDB files was their size, as they were too big. So, let us try to know the most effective way to reduce the Exchange EDB file size here.
What is an EDB File?
EDB stands for the Exchange Database File. It serves as the principal repository of the Exchange Server database to store all mailbox data. It also encompasses data components such as messages, attachments, emails, folders, etc. Each EDB file will have a corresponding STM file comprising the actual messages from SMTP.
These files will automatically grow as data gets added within the EDB files. Even if the data is removed, the EDB files will never compress. Therefore, there is a need to reduce the exchange EDB file size . Here is the step-by-step guide on reducing the EDB file size.
How to fix the exchange EDB file size:
With increasing EDB file size, the server might get out of space. The following methods can be used to reclaim the server space.
- Create a new database and move the data from the old mailbox to the new one.
- Offline defrag can be performed to shrink the Database.
- The location of the mailbox database can be moved.
Reduce exchange EDB mailbox database by using Eseutil:
- It is possible to reduce the exchange EDB file size by using Eseutil, but the Database should be dismounted at the time of file reduction.
- A new file created in the process by Eseutil will exist along with the old one. Thus, there should be enough disk space available for such files to perform defragmentation.
- If there is no free disk space, a temporary location should be specified while running the Eseutil.
The procedure of performing the defragmentation
- Temporarily dismount the mailbox database before defragging the Database.
- Dismounting can be performed with the help of the exchange management console.
- Select the mailbox you wish to move, click on it, and then click on the dismount database.
- Run the Eseutil to defrag the Exchange EDB file.
- Mount the Database by running the suitable command.
- Check the database size and the available white space of the selected mailbox database.
- Run the full backup of the Database.
Move the Database by using the exchange management console:
We can reduce the exchange EDB file sizeby following this procedure.
- Open the exchange management console.
- Select the mailbox of Exchange 2010 in the organization configuration.
- Select the mailbox you wish to move, right-click on it, and then click the Move database path.
- Click on the move database path to see where you can enter the new path for the data and the log files.
- After changing the path of the EDB files, click move.
- This will help you reduce the exchange EDB file size.
- This Move operation will take some time, depending on the mailbox size.
- After the move operation is complete and we get the completion information, we can click the Finish button, and the wizard will close.
Manual methods are also available as an alternative to EDB to PST converters . However, they are not reliable and don’t offer a complete solution. They can come in handy if the EDB file is corrupted. In such instances, we might require third-party tools to handle the corruption in the EDB files.
Making use of third-party software:
There are many EDB to PST converter software programs that help recover corrupted EDB files. They also help repair the Exchange mailbox from corruption without data loss. These software tools render quick and advanced options to recover and fix the corruption in the Exchange database and repair the file.
These software tools can load any EDB file of any size and help users with numerous export options, enabling users to export many mailboxes and EDB files seamlessly. They also support different Exchange mailboxes such as shard, archive, legacy, emails, journals, tasks, contacts, calendars, etc. The EDB to PST converter software can support both public and private STM and EDB files. The users will be able to export these files to the selected export option simultaneously in a simplified manner.
It is recommended that advanced EDB to PST converter software be used to reduce Exchange EDB file size and recover corrupted EDB files. These tools serve as complete solutions to resolve any issues with database corruption and Exchange and render complete data security. It is possible to download the free version of the EDB to PST converter tool to check before purchasing the complete software version.